As art students we dreamt of having a studio with a kiln and a
wheel. If we had that we could make pottery to our hearts content and everything
would be perfect. Of course life is never as simple as that. We had decided to
work at teaching for two years and save as much as possible to build a small
studio in St. Mary. 
By 1976 we had the studio, the wheel and our first kiln
which we designed and built.We did not have a reliable clay body and the kiln
was inefficient and uneven. We had not yet developed a distinctive product,
there was no discernible market and most importantly there was no working
capital.The history of the Clonmel Potters is the story of how we struggled with
each of these factors and the varying levels of success which we managed to
achieve. Detailed explanations are not possible in this presentation but
attempts will be made to give a general idea of the reasons behind each stage of